A program for Gifted and Talented Students, Project Expand provides students with a variety of experiences designed to enhance and stimulate creative thinking and extend academic abilities. Callahan has been in Project Expand since he was identified as being Gifted 3 years ago in the second grade. He is pulled out of class three times a week to attend this program. Cal is still required to make up all regular 4 th grade material and assignments on his own. Project expand consists of 4, 5 week blocks with each block focusing on a different unit of study
Coming to America: (U.S.Immigration/Assimilation & research of Cultural Heritage) was block 1.
The students started the block by making a pie graph of their nationality. The student that had the highest percentage was assigned that country. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out Callahan Patrick McGinty's nationality. You're right, Irish... 87.5 % to be exact. Callahan had to completely sell the country of Ireland to his group. He researched long and hard into the night for the past 5 weeks to learn all there is to know about the Irish Heritage and country. He carried his USB flash drive back and forth to school with enthusiasm . Cal he had to create a passport, fill out factual travel info including airlines, airport, departure time, arrival time taking into consideration time change. Figuring the cost by converting the dollar into the Euro. Cal chose to present his findings using PowerPoint. Never once did he ask or require any assistance. I have to force him through tears to do any regular homework. He hates it, it does not interest him and almost seems to offend him. I love the fact that Project Expand sparks his interest through creative thinking. Today the class ended block 1 with a feast with everyone bringing in a food sample from his or her country.

Irish soda bread and corned beef
Er·in go bragh [ èrrin gō br ]. interjection. Definition: an expression meaning "Ireland forever".