My poor TJ has been fighting Pneumonia for some
time now. Thursday he had a follow-up
with his Pediatrician. His lungs were clear,
but he still had that cough-til-you-gag, so
he was prescribed an additional 10 days of antibiotics.
If he still was coughing in a week, Steroids would be
the next course of action.
Friday he felt good, went to school, but still coughing.
By dinner time he was complaining of chest pain and
I could hear a little wheezing in his chest. I had the
doctor paged and she said bring him to the ER.
The triage nurse took one look at him, got a wheel chair
and took him back.
He was immediately given a breathing treatment and Steroids.
A chest x-ray confirmed Pneumonia in the Right Lung
An hour later TJ was complaining that he was starving
and when could he eat? My teenager was feeling better!
He was discharged with a new antibiotic, a new in-haler
and a 2 day dose of Prednisone. He is to have have a follow-up
with his doc and a repeat x-ray in a week.
TJ missed his travel baseball party on Saturday, he was
not feeling 100%. He rode his bike 1/2 way to Burger King and had a coughing fit.
This week we will mix things up a little. School
will be on a day to day bases. Private pitching lessons
cancelled. Tue and Thur baseball practice cancelled
until further notice.
When little kids get sick they lay on the couch, whereas
teenagers are able to go on with their day.
An old mom can learn something new...
TJ went on with his life for the last 3 weeks, he went to school,
practice and played in 2 games. He beat himself up
because he didn't have stellar games or practices.
HELLO! the kid is sick
Mom is now on the ball and will treat him as a little boy with