So, last Friday after work Karrick and I head over to the Lombard pool. The sun was shinning and it was HOT! An hour into our swim the pool manager gets on the loud speaker and says "A severe storm is heading our way with 85 mph winds. If you are here when it hits you will have to go and stay in the locker rooms until it passes. My cue to leave.(stuck in the hot locker room with a bunch of wet bodies...NO WAY) Karrick and I run to Target on our way home(we are going to Wis after TJ's All-star game that night) 15 min into our shopping the lights go out. Do you know how dark it gets in Target w/o power? Pitch freakin dark.I grope for Karrick and then the generators kick in. We are herded in the back to a cement hallway to wait out the gusting winds and rain. TJ is home alone, I call...thank god for cell phones and tell him to get to the basement. Cal is at his buddies house, I call there and tell him to stay put (they didn't lose power)

Twenty min later we are free to leave. We get home and no power, All-star game is cancelled so we leave for Wisconsin. I follow Tim as we need 2 cars because TJ has Sunday games. All the street lights were out on North Ave, so we can't get on the highway due to back up traffic. After taking side streets a 1/2 hr later we get on 355 in Addison. An hour or so later we stop at an oasis for food and the mother of all storms hit. We are trapped in a glass block above the expressway, but have a fabulous view of the lightening. When the storm calms a little we head out. OMG!!!! I tried to follow Tim through another storm, but my wipers suck. My defrost isn't clearing the window and my lights aren't bright enough to see the road. I seriously thought at any moment I was going to leave the road and end up in a ditch. It was a horrifying ride and my nerves were shot. Our 2 hr trip turned into a 4 hour trip, but we got there and had a wonderful weekend of family fun in the sun.

this picture was taken during Wednesday's storm. The tornado alarms were blarring
but we were all at home together in the basement.
TJ and I left Wis. Sunday around 1 o'clock. When we returned home the power was still out. We both showered and headed to his 5:30 game at 4:30. After our big win, TJ and I went out for dinner. Not looking forward to a night w/o power we headed home.
Happiness is: rounding your street corner to find your porch light on!!!
Our poor neighbors across the street would be w/o power for another 24 hrs. So actually the power outage didn't effect us too much...except for the loss of food
Got to love a rainbow
The sky was so creepy that the tree tops were a different color
Monday I took Cal and Karrick for was Hot hot and Karrick was not happy
"I just want to go home and play lego's"
such a sad face, but still pretty darn cute
"Stop taking my picture!!!"
"I mean it! I'm getting mad at you"
not sure what he is thinking here, whatever it is, It's not pleasant
a stop at Diary Queen always puts a smile on one's face
Getting there...don't smile, your face will crack
Life sure is good...please take my picture sweet pretty mommy