4th of July weekend Tim, myself, Cal and Karrick went up to the lake in Whitewater WI, our cute little summer "cottage" is really a trailer with a built on screen porch. It's nestled in the Kettle Moraine State Forest. We left TJ behind...all by himself (except for Patrick). This was TJ's 1st extended weekend alone (4 days). He didn't want to miss any baseball so we gave it a go. A teammate on the next block, father picked up and dropped TJ off all weekend. We did however, call the girlfriends father prior to our departure. TJ did get lonely at night, he said.
My Baby missed me!!! He's not so grown up after all!!
Just cause you look 18 and act 18 doesn't mean you are 18, my still little 14 year old!
Tim and I dug up around the screen porch....like freakin cement I might add and planted flowers, put in boarder, mulch and lights. Can't even believe I didn't take before pictures. Karrick and I scrubbed the entire outside on trailer and screen porch...It's like a new place

This past weekend I made TJ skip his tournament and come with us. He did excellent while home alone, but Thursday he had his playoff game for high school and when that ended (lost by 1 run) we had to get to his tournament in Winfield that had already started. TJ was dragging getting to the car, felt sick driving there and proceeded to puke out the window. When we got to the park he rolled out of the car and was on his hands and knees retching in the grass next to the car.. Some water and he hopped up and played the remaining 5 innings of the game...in the 90 degree heat and hot sun.
I had to make a motherly decision that this was his body telling him he needed a break. The coach was cool about him missing the next 4 games and we took off for the weekend. TJ had some much needed R and R.
High School baseball is over, we have 3 more travel tournaments and high school football camp started this morning at 7am -9:30 am for 2 weeks, Then it is 2 a days(2, 4 hour intense outdoor practices a day) all through August
TJ fell off and Karrick was the victor
Cal and his good friend Ryan. Ryan's familyhas a place next to ours in Whitewater and they have become good buddies. They are attending IMSA this week together, Cals 4th year and Ryans 1st.
Oh, and Cal had a giant growth spurt...can you tell?
in need of a haircut?
This child has more hair than anyone!