It has been a crazy 2 weeks in the McGinty house. TJ is working non-stop. Below is the promotional picture for "Family Values"
Imdb page. It's a web-series TJ is getting ready to film
Below are some shots from a independant short film TJ shot last week. A troubled boy tries to commit suicide. TJ did a spectacular job. Can't wait to see fianl cut
He was able to fit in 2 commercial auditions and 1 call back this audition was yesterday so it's too early for a callback
Today TJ filmed a paid Video at Columbia's new Media Arts Building (pictures from web). A casting director booked him straight from headshot/resume. Tim dropped him off this morning and TJ is currently in a cab on his way to the train station to come home.
I had to take Karrick to film a national TV show today. All I can say is watch the 3rd episode. Karrick also had a commercial audition yesterday
It's has been crazy, but the boys are having fun and we will enjoy this ride as long as it lasts
a sneak peaek is out for another movie close to our hearts