

All photos on this blog are the property of Mary McGinty Photography (unless noted otherwise) photos may not be used or copied without my permission

Sep 28, 2014

Homecoming dance-still the cutest couple ever

Tim and I got back from Milwaukee (birthday surprise) in time to see Cal and Katie off to homecoming...just in time. Cal was still not 100% but he showed up and suited up.
They met a bunch of friends at the dance and had a great time

 Katie is timeless...grace kelly comes to mind

Asking Katie to Homecoming 2014

Callahan missed the entire week of school due to a horrible virus. By Thursday he decided it was time to ask Katie to homecoming-2 days away. He planned it out a while ago but just wasn't bouncing back. So my sweet sick boy, 100+ tea candles, roses and candy went to Katies house and set it all up.
It went off perfectly, Katie was super surprised. They have been dating almost 2 1/2 years so she knew they were going to HC together, but with Cal sick she wasn't expecting a special asking! Cal is a true romantic and still makes things special.

Jerry, Katie's dad was drying to use his blow torch...men and gadgets.
We all hid in the backyard waiting for Katie to get home from 

again...Cutest couple ever!!!!

Sep 17, 2014

Million dollar Smile

 Today Karrick got his braces off!!
At his orthodontists office they throw a little party for each kid when the braces cone off.
A bag of all the forbidden chewy sticky candy is all the rage. Since Karrick is such a rule Nazi it's an extra treat for him. He does not break the rules, so he hasn't had anything forbidden in 13 months
Luck would have it that Karrick has his 5th grade pictures next week

Sep 10, 2014


I had a super fun photo shoot this past weekend. An old friend from high school that I haven't seen in 32 years contacted me from Wisconsin asking if I would shoot her daughter.
Why sure!
They drove in to Lombard and away we went. 
She was a cute as they come!!

Sep 1, 2014

Family Values Cast party, SAG foundation fundraiser

Saturday morning i picked TJ up from NIU to come home for the long weekend. He had a cast function he needed to attend. "Whisk Chicago" with "Living good coffee" sponsored a party for the cast and crew of Family Values. In addition there was a SAG foundation silent auction.

Whisk just opened 2 months ago on Damen/Chicago. Oh as it good!!

Yes, TJ had to sign autographs. So weird that he is at the point of making appearances. I wont lie, I love it!

TJ with Merverth from Emurge Magaizine that did a story on Family Values. I still need to order the magazine. Jayson the creator/Star was on the cover.
FV was also featured in the Glenview newspaper

 Just a fun shot of tj coming from the garden party

 The boy was under the weather when I picked him up, but handled everything like a pro. He always gets sick the first weeks of school it seems
 I was happy he jumped out of the car for a picture in front of cool wall. He did not feel good by the end of the party