

All photos on this blog are the property of Mary McGinty Photography (unless noted otherwise) photos may not be used or copied without my permission

Oct 2, 2008

Another Day Off

I had another day off and it went rather smoothly. In the summer we go to White Water Wis. Karrick aka Optimus Prime, rode on a jet ski and he has been saving his money for his own "spitting jet ski" Not just a regular one, it has to spit water out the back. Whenever he finds coins he puts them in his bank.

Here he collected a whole bowl of change from
around the house to put in his "Pepsapee"" bottle.

Coke , Pepsapee, Hey the kid can't read yet cut him some slack

In our house all the extra laundry change goes in a large cardboard Crayola bank to be spending money for the kids on vacations. Unfortunately the bank didn't survive the flood. I just poured bleach on the coins and let them dry on the laundry room floor. Well, we decided it was time to rinse them off

We visited Karricks old school to pick up some personal items left behind. Ms. K was just fabulous with the kids. . You can tell how much he loves her when he runs up with open arms for a hug. I was thrilled to hear Ms K's cancer is in remission and that she has hair again.

All the long lost kids. Karrick is hugging
his best friend J.

TJ feels he is not represented enough in the blog

Shout out to you TJ!

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