Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
The premise behind PBIS is to allow for the children to have a complete understanding of our expectations while on school grounds in a variety of areas. Instead of focusing on a laundry list of "things not to do", our system allows us to explain exactly what we want the children to do.
The guideline no matter where one is at Pleasant Lane is to:
1) be respectful
2) be responsible
3) be safe
whenever a teacher sees a student being respectful, responsible or safe
they receive a "gotcha" ticket that has their name, positive behavior
shown and teachers name on it. All "gotcha" tickets are put in a
tall clear cylinder by the office and when the school goal is met,
the kids are rewarded with a pizza party or movie etc.
Karrick came home with his first "gotcha" ticket for
being responsible. Holy Smokes!
He was about the happiest child ever!
The Kindergartener's get to bring their
first ticket home to show off, but they can't lose it
because it needs to go in the cylinder at school. After Karrick showed us
it went back into his backpack

Friday the kids had the PBIS Assembly at school
which was taught by a select group of 5th graders, Callahan
being one of them. Every student received their t-shirt
that they wear on special days for the entire year.
The gotcha's are such a big deal to the little kids and it is just precious
to see the pride on their faces, as kids move up towards
the 5th grade the novelty is lost.
Karrick has transitioned to kindergarten with ease and I consider myself very lucky.
It is hard for some kids because it is all day kindergarten
and most kids seem to do the 1/2 day preschool.
There are still a few kids clinging to mom or dad screaming
everyday before school