this group of pilings was sticking out of the Chicago cool!
Today for the 8th week in a row, I dropped TJ at Act One Studio for his 3 hr acting class. Today I had my favorite teenage girl, Alexis to keep me company. Instead of my usual path East (Michigan Ave, Oak St Beach or a museum) we headed West. TJ's school is on LaSalle and Ontario. I decided to save shipping costs and walk to pick up TJ's new comps and headshots at JS Photo the premier place for professional comps/headshots or photos. The difference between JS and other printers is amazing.
anyway we walked west about 2 miles. It was such a strange much different than when I lived down there (on lake Shore that is) gone are the projects and in it's place are a bazillion condos, but virtually no people. I did find many little stores and tons of restaurants just tucked in rehabbed warehouses or ancient buildings...stuff you would never see driving

TJ's new headshot- for acting
below is the front and back of TJ'd comp for modeling
scanning the comp cards cast a reflection due to the glossy material
scanning the comp cards cast a reflection due to the glossy material
These shots were taken on the Halsted bridge that is being rebuilt, the one side that had an open walkway over-looked a large concrete company below
looking east
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