

All photos on this blog are the property of Mary McGinty Photography (unless noted otherwise) photos may not be used or copied without my permission

Jul 24, 2013

Costa Rica in pictures- 3

Church in Nicoya

There was some kid of celebration going on at the church in Samara, but Im not sure what it was about. Some Spanish skills would have come in handy...I know some to speak, but not to translate

More beach shots

Nathan sure did like the dogs!
and the waves

Just a local with a baby that just starred at me

It gets dark early in CR so the dinner walk was a dark one

Some of the animals I was able to capture on film

I thought this was a monkey by the tail. I was using a telephoto lens and frankly I have no idea what it is. It's huge...like a squirrel on steroids. Tail is a good 18-24 in and the body is a good 2 ft

these big fellas were everywhere
My howler monkey, I expected them to be like a giant gorilla considering how loud they are

the beach loungers were pretty cool!

 this is the same crab. Tell me that in the first picture 2 eyes are looking straight ahead and below one eye grew an arm and is peering to the right..Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

some cool creepy trees in CR

In the center of this tiny town there is a field...more like a plot of grass, nothing fancy but each weekend soceer games went on

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