Today was the White Sox 4 th and final practice game
We played the Mets which is coached by
TJ's travel team coach, Ross. So the pressure to do well was on.
There are no guarantees that TJ will make the team again
(99% he will) but you want to have a stellar game in front of this coach anyway.
TJ was walked twice and had a solid hit to right field that brought in our winning run
Our coach, Mike was saving TJ's arm for Friday's opening game, so he didn't pitch.
Not a bad idea since TJ has been throwing a lot of balls. He has a private pitching lession tomorrow at the DuPage training academy to get him back throwing strikes.
A little tweak is all he needs. I was thrilled when the Mets coach, Ross
told me he couldn't belive TJ wasn't pitching!
A blessing in disquise
No need to share our little secret of a pitching slump
by the time we meet again, TJ will be that OMG pitcher

It's great to see the team together having fun on and off the field

What do you mean we can't beat the crap out of each other
with our brand new uniforms?

Karrick and his new buddy.
A dream come true that a new player on the team has
a 5 year old little brother

So our ride home conversation went like this:
TJ- "mom, did you hear those girls on the soccer field
yelling at me?'
mom- " no, what were they saying?"
TJ- "they were yelling, hey TJ you look hot in your uniform,
you are so hot..."
mom-"they were not! really?, No! do you know them?"
TJ- "yeah, really mom and yes they are 7th and 8th graders
from school that like us"
mom- "Us? who is us?"
TJ- "well, me and Trevor and Trevor and Dean"
Mom- "are they cute? Are you going to ask one out?"
TJ- "yeah, they're cute and No"
Thank God!
Stick with baseball, kid