

All photos on this blog are the property of Mary McGinty Photography (unless noted otherwise) photos may not be used or copied without my permission

Sep 15, 2008

Watch What You Wish For

I just wished for it to rain all weekend to have a much needed weekend off from baseball.
 I got my wish and then some...
This is our cute home on Saturday morning

I always wanted lake front property

You see, our home has never had a water problem. Our neighbors were always pumping out water.We were completely caught off guard with the retention ponds filled to capacity. It all started with a scream from Callahan. I ran to the lower level just in time to see water flowing in from under the crawl space door at a rapid pace. We only had time to shut off all computers and get upstairs. with the sewer system backing up, the water came up through the drain. With Menards out of pumps we were screwed. The kind man from Menards spent 45 min building me 2 pumps out of 2 portable under the sink pumps with shop vac hoses. "Ken" rigged it with different plumbing fixtures. When those 2 pumps couldn't keep up, Tim drove to his dads company and took a giant pump off one of the trucks. With 3 pumps we were able to hold the water level at 2 feet. The entire lower level will need to be gutted, all furniture tossed. As of now we have no phones, hot water, heating, air conditioning and no washer or dryer. All shorted out.

Tim had to sleep on the couch so every hr or two he could slosh outside to put more gas in the pump.

As horrible as it all is/was we got through it. We were all in the same boat, neighbors all pulled together to help. The village did come out many times, even though they can't fight Mother Nature. My kids had fun running outside with giant plumber boots on. Now is the long road of clean up.

aking in the views...must keep your sense of humor at all times.
How feakin cute is our deck?

I didn't even get the matching dryer yet

The family room with the lone drums stick out of the water with
only a reflection for company
And finally, if you look hard enough you can always find beauty

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