

All photos on this blog are the property of Mary McGinty Photography (unless noted otherwise) photos may not be used or copied without my permission

Jul 25, 2010

The Flood

We woke up to a flooded lower level and street. Seems like we've been through this before...we have, 2 years ago FIRST FLOOD and clean-up

Life throws you curve balls, can't let it get you down. Here is how we made the best of a rainy rainy day

kayak parking here

gotta love the self timer on continuous shoot mode...
Look closely in the water...my stainless steel front loader was bobbing and tipped over...with all the clean clothes I had folded on top

look how deep the water is...we can access the breakers from the laundryroom window...thank God

No reason not to enjoy yourself, just because your house is underwater. A bunch of friends came by to make the best out of a rainy day

No many people can say they kayaked in their backyard

Water volleyball
The afternoon sun came out and it will rise in the morning...

I see land!

1 comment:

Mel said...

No way!?! Again? This is a seriously bad case of dejavu!! I love that you were able to find the fun in it all though! Hang in there.