

All photos on this blog are the property of Mary McGinty Photography (unless noted otherwise) photos may not be used or copied without my permission

Feb 1, 2009

Just My Boys

I was so excited when I woke today. Karrick was to go bowling for to his friend Jacob's 5th birthday party at Brunswick Zone. Jacob is Karrick friend from Kindercare and the whole class was invited. These kids were Karrick's first friends and they were very close. I loved Kindercare, it is just a wonderful facility with great teachers. I became friends with Tina his mother, so a day a catching up sounded great to me. Long story short, the party was yesterday not today. I called Tina and she said all 26 other kids came, waited for karrick... After apologizing I was devastated
Karrick was like "We missed it? okay, I'll just
watch Star Wars with TJ"
Let me tell you, I could not shake the awful feeling of quilt because
a) Jacob was so happy to be able to see karrick again
b) Karrick never has play dates or goes to b-day parties. It happens when you are the youngest and there is a age gap between you and your siblings. Your life consists of being dragged to your older brothers sporting events non-stop
c) The kid didn't even get that he missed a party, because he's never been to one
So to ease my quilt I took the boys to Safari Land

Karrick was thrilled to play in the soft jungle the whole time.
It was pretty cool
Tina and i decided we will take the 2 boys bowling when the weather gets better.
They live way out in Oswego...of course they do
God forbid the kid makes a friend down the block.
Tina is a teacher out here

Just a couple of cute shots after a haircut and a bath

TJ's team lost their game today and my TJ just doesn't look right. He does not
sit on the bench with his head in hands
His knee is bothering him a little...a visit to the Orthopedic Surgeon
maybe in our future. He has Osgood- Schlatter

What is Osgood-Schlatter disease?
Osgood-Schlatter (say: "oz-good shlot-ter") disease is one of the most common causes of knee pain in young athletes. It causes swelling, pain and tenderness just below the knee, over the shin bone (also called the tibia). It occurs mostly in boys who are having a growth spurt during their pre-teen or teenage years. One or both knees may be affected.
It affects very active boys during Puberty. Ding ding ding...TJ all the way!
He has grown 1/2 of an inch in the last 2 weeks to a total of almost 5 inchs in
less than 5 months and added 4 lbs this month. He is now 5' 5 and 110 lbs at age 12.
His voice is changing and he just doesn't feel right.
I know it's normal, but when it's your firstborn...
I probably won't even notice Callahan going through it, when his time comes

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